60% of consumers say they’ll become repeat customers after a personalized shopping experience. The market for a lot ...

Digital Menu Boards
Our robust and versatile templates will help you to create the perfect digital menu boards for your restaurant. Choose from 400+ templates to create one of your choices.

Modern, cleanand simple
With the in-built free and customisable 400+ digital menu board templates on Lira Screen, restaurants can easily create a look of their menus that goes with the feel and cuisines they want to highlight.

Seamless editor to create and schedule amazing digital menu boards
Are you tired of having to edit the same old menu for your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and Sunday night? Well, we're here to help.
It's easy to get overwhelmed by all the options out there when it comes to digital menu boards. With Lira Screen, though, it's a breeze! Just select a template, schedule it according to your needs, and it'll do the rest!
You can even schedule different menus for different days or times of day—or if you want something simpler (and less confusing), use our dynamic scheduler instead. You'll be able to make instant updates in a minute or two with just a few clicks.
With our schedular, you can:
- Schedule content for specific weekdays
- Push same schedule to multiple remote devices
- Create a specific event-based scheduler
- Display content time-wise
Quick, reliable and a flexible digital menu boards solution
Lira Screen is a digital signage system that helps you create eye-grabbing food menus, deal offers and latest promotions on the big screen at your restaurant.
With our amazing quality and interactive menu, you can use Lira Screen to promote your restaurant or cafe to increase sales and attract new customers.
Whether you’re looking for a large digital menu boards that spans the entire front wall of a restaurant, or just a couple of screens as part of an interactive kiosk, Lira Screen has the right solution.

Visually appealing & easy to edit digital menu board templates
A decorative, eye-catching digital menu board is essential for any restaurant. With Lira Screen’s digital menu template premium solution, you can now create a sophisticated and trendy digital menu board in minutes. Our digital menu templates are designed to meet the needs of many customers and make their business livelier and more interactive with their guests.
Today’s restaurant industry is evolving and adapting rapidly to meet the ever-changing needs of consumers. With our digital menu board templates, you can showcase the food items available at your restaurant in a unique way.
We have template for every kind of dining space!
The list is endless. There are many industries in which businesses and food establishments are operating these days. This also includes dining areas within hotels, restaurants, and other places that are considered to be part of the hospitality sector.
We offer you with a wide range of digital menu board templates that can be used by any kind of hospitality industry. Our flexible editor gives you free access to create one-of-a-kind templates in no time and make them look better than usual.
Our templates are quite flexible to work with. You can customize them according to your requirements and create something similar to that as well.
- Pizza Shop
- Fast Food
- Food Courts
- QSRs
- Dessert shops
- Drive Thru
- Coffee Shop
- Bakeries
- Restaurants

Choose from our high-quality stock images
We all want to take the perfect food photos, but sometimes we just don't have the time.
That's where our stock images come in! We've got a whole bunch of them, divided into several categories for easy access-and no more scrolling through pages of images trying to find something you like.
The point is: we've got the best images in all categories, so if there's anything else you're looking for, chances are we've got it.
So, what are you waiting for? Pick one of these and create your own amazing template!
- Food
- Shapes
- Sizes
- Vector
- Photography
- Icons
- Decoration
- Food Courts
- Your own images
Why Lira Screen?

Tons of in-built templates
Eye-catchy menu templates along with useful stock images make it easy to create an appetizing effect on your diners.

Easy edits on anything
The font,color, background or anything on the templates can be easily formatted as needed with the template editor.

Drag and drop
With our easy drag and drop feature, you can easily make tweaks in the in-built templates to create them as needed.

Stock images
With tons of already feeded stock images, any kind of change in the existing template or using them in creating new templates can be managed easily.

No design skills needed
You don't need to be an expert in creating templates. Stock images, editing palettes and formatting options make things much easier.

Quick and reliable
Edits can be made easily and quickly in a matter of minutes, new offers can be pushed almost instantly and items out of stock can be removed in no time as well
Digital Menu Boards FAQs
Menu boards are a digital format of your paper menus either displayed on TV screens or a tablet across all kinds of dining areas. They can be used to display menus, food images, promotional offers or food videos as well.
With Lira screen, all you need to do is subscribe to our software at a nominal yearly price and then go on to either upload an already created digital menu design or design a new template using our drag and drop editor
They are competitively priced, work with hardware that is easily available, the system is easy to use and understand and is easy to set up and use in a matter of minutes.
Yes, we offer digital menu templates that are easily editable and can be pushed with an instant update in a matter of minutes. Different templates that can work with different dining areas are offered in the system of Lira Screen
No, you absolutely do not need to pay extra for digital menu boards. You can use all the templates for free from our system.
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