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Highlight your Unique Cafe Menu!

Go live in minutes with free and editable digital menu
board templates designed in line with market trends.

cafe tv screen menu

See how it works?


Choose a right menu template to get more orders

The trick is placing and highlighting your grossing items on the menu board. Your entire vibe at the cafe can be reflected in the menu. With our template editor, you are good to create one that fits right.







Quick and Easy to Configure!

configure hardware

Configure Hardware

Go for an Android TV or setup Amazon fire stick or Android box with TV. Install Lira Screen.

customize font style

Customize Your Template

Purchase the Lirascreen Plan of your choice and start using our menu board template editor!

tons of in built templates

Publish Menu on TV

Publish your own customized menu template to restaurant TV Screen in just a few taps.

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Get Started with Lira Screen!

Explore our super easy drag and drop template editor. Start designing your signage content with 200+ customizable in-built templates and 30+ Apps.

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